Your favorite stories, feelings, & memories brought to life with a personalized song.

︎︎︎ Client
✒︎ Songfinch

︎︎︎ Agency
✒︎ Someoddpilot

︎︎︎ Credits
✒︎ Chris Eichnesser, Greg Gayle, Anton Jeludkov, Ashley De Jesus

Music has always been one of the most emotive forms of communication, so naturally, when songs are personalized, their power has even greater potential. Songwriters and musicians hold a special place in our heart. We’ve spent years connecting some of the most talented artists in the world with opportunities to put money in their pockets and reach millions of people. With Songfinch, we want to give them an opportunity to make money doing what they love while developing lifelong, special relationships with new fans around the world. Our identity is embedded in connection and sound. Sonic waves are elevated in a dynamic system which forms our brand mark, which adapts and evolves to application.
